Sunday, July 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

Well, in honor of my baby turning 4 months old on Saturday, I am posting pictures from each month of her life. I can't believe how the time has flown by! Looking at these pictures shows me just how much my sweet baby girl has changed already!

Here she is in the womb with her "angelina jolie lips". This month she was kicking me and hiccuping during the night which made it quite hard to sleep.

I remember this so clearly. I couldn't stop watching her through the little clear hospital cart that was her home those 4 days in the hospital. She started smiling and I jumped out of bed to get my camera (which was quite painful I might add). She was so new. New to us. New to this world. One of the best days of my life.

1 Month old
Daddy's little "blue bird" as he calls her. He named her that for this very reason. She always wanted to be on our shoulder. She would just melt into us. She would be so content spending every minute awake or asleep on our shoulder. The second picture is also Gracie at 1 month.
I wanted to show the amount of hair she had at this stage. Although she had a lot of hair for a 1 month old, she didn't develop the "crazy hair" until month 3.

2 Months Old:
By now her hair is growing out and becoming one of the biggest topics of conversation when we go out! Her eyes were getting brighter blue and her little eyelashes were growing. She had tiny eyelashes when she was born, but at this stage they were getting more noticeable.
3 Months Old:
And now I would like to introduce you to Baby "Crazy Hair". We try to tame it, but it has a mind of its own. What a fun age! She was able to hold her head up more on her own. By this age she had definitely put the chunk in chunky thighs and she was smiling and laughing all the time.
4 months old:
And now my sweet baby is 4 months old, still has the crazy hair (which is getting super long), and melts my heart with every smile. She loves being outside, in the water, and the center of attention. She still loves "Dusty" our ceiling fan, white bear, and chewing on anything she can get in her mouth. This is a rare picture with Gracie over the shoulder because the "blue bird" days are over. Now she wants to face out so she can see everything.

Take your time growing up Baby Girl. We don't want to miss a thing!


  1. Awww....I wanna cry...this post is so precious! I love her so much! What a blessed little girl.

  2. she s soo cute you guys , i love the pic with her in the grease shirt!!!!
