Friday, May 14, 2010


Fi-as-co [fee-as-koh]

This is what our first family craft turned out to be. I got this bright idea to get Gracie's hand and footprints on some of her white onesies to always remember how tiny she was. Sounds good right? I found a website detailing the steps of this fun and "easy" craft and got all of the supplies. We decided to do this last night before Gracie's bath. As Jonathan is holding Gracie, I mash her little foot in the wet black paint at which she immediately reacts by flailing her foot. She had black paint all over us, and herself. I managed to control her foot long enough to stamp it on the onesie, but it looked like a black blob. So, on to the next foot. We'll use less paint this time. Her other foot goes in the paint and onto the onesie leaving a very faint half footprint. HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU DO THIS! Now we have an agitated, squirmy baby with two jet black feet and no good footprints to show for it. We decide to try the hand. This time we use pink paint. First of all my baby is strong. As soon as her little hand went into the pink paint she made a fist and squished the paint through her chubby fingers. I tried to separate her fingers and stamp it on the onesie, but the "handprint" looked more like I let her freelance fingerpaint on the onesie. So now I have a baby with two black feet and a pink hand. I went to wipe the paint off my baby with the baby wipes, but the paint had dried! I scrubbed with that baby wipe and nothing came off! I am half laughing and half freaking out that we were never going to get the paint off! We got her in a warm bath and soaked her in it. We finally were able to scrub the paint off of her (I however, still have it on me). Her bath was about 4 times as long because of all the scrubbing, but Gracie took it like a champ. It's safe to say we will not be trying that again anytime soon. We need a better plan first. Our first craft day was a fiasco, a funny memory, but definitely a fiasco! :o)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun memory! Sounds a bit like one of my valentine's day crafts that went terribly wrong. It is HARD to get the hand or feet prints, so don't beat yourself up. But make sure you keep that messed up onesie. Priceless!
