Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bottle Rebel

Looking at this picture, and reading my post a month ago, you would think my baby is a pro at taking a bottle. WRONG! Apparently my baby has rebelled against taking one. For some reason I was under the impression all babies take bottles - that they just come out knowing how. We've tried everything! We've tried different nipples, different positions, distracting her, shushing her, walking with her, even putting sugar water on the nipple. Nothing seems to work. Nicole and I have a trip to Canton planned for Friday and I'm afraid I'll have to cancel if things don't improve this week. Please, if you have any advice or encouragement send it my way!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel your pain. I didn't know how I was going to put Chloe in daycare if she wouldn't take a bottle. I found these bottles called Breastflow. They were all that she would take for a while (and we tried everything). They have a nipple with 2 parts, so the sucking is more like when they are breast feeding. They aren't cheap, so just buy one and see if she likes them.
