Thursday, June 9, 2011

Two Lines Again!

Here we go again! The pregnancy test revealed two pink lines (actually all 3 pregnancy tests revealed two pink lines). I am definitely with child! I have so many questions!!! How many are in there? Is it a boy? Girl? We are so excited to take in this life-changing experience once again! We recognize the blessing this is and we praise the Lord for another little one!

Some things I am looking forward to the next 9 months:
1. feeling the baby kick
2. watching Gracie's reaction to my growing belly
3. hearing the heartbeat for the first time
4. seeing the sonogram of our precious little one
5. deciding on a name

Some things I am NOT looking forward to the next 9 months:
1. the nausea, oh the nausea!!!!!!
2. excess saliva (you heard me right, this is a real thing that makes you want to spit all the time)
3. the swelling. the lips I can live with, but the cankles need to go
4. the sleepless nights due to the baby on the bladder and the huge uncomfortable big belly
5. changing Gracie's diaper (made me want to gag before, now with my heightened sense of smell, it's virtually impossible)

Oh the changes our bodies go through to bring life into the world!


  1. CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS!!!! :) I just hope to see you before you move to Houston!!! I'm coming home June 28th--will you be there??

  2. Totally agree about the nausea, saliva, and cankles! Where does all the spit come from?!?
